T +32 (0)9 233 65 20
Tennisbaanstraat 74
9000 Ghent
Maatschappelijke zetel:
Patijntjestraat 141
9000 Ghent
Unfortunately we are not looking for permanent employees at the moment. However, we are open to spontaneous applications for internships. We accept printed and digital portfolios (10 mb maximum) at mail@wimgoesarchitectuur.be. We regret that we are unable to return printed material sent to us. Thank you for your understanding.
Wim Goes
Eline Faché
Evgeny Kupriyanov
Leonie Overmeire
Noa Ruijten
Xiangyi Leng
Karolina Husta
Former collaborators:
Tim De Messemaeker, Anja Houbaert
Kaho Katayama, Maide Taslidere, Francesco Zavoli, Xinyu Wu, Benjamin Good, Gus Camerlynck, Solange Thorp, Anahita Kamali, Klaramaria Plunger, Edie Li, Lonne Deliens, Julia Galkina, Jules Sicard, Eva Vossaert, Suzanne Vandeportaele, Alexandros Trivizas, Axel Åström, Hampus Thysell, Katharina Bonengl, Damir Draganić, Rita Roznár, Ting Liu, Yuichiro Morota, Agathe De Coninck, Luisa Ramirez, Hegoa De Montaigne De Poncins, Ivana Brzović, Rafeh Abbasi, Carlos Cardenas, Karel Sucaet, Nuno Pinto, Jules De Smet, Lucie Beck, Slavoj Kvíz, Laura Gheysen, Michal Zyla, Uriel Della Bruna, Miguel Vervacke, Francesco Paolo Di Donna, Paula Raiado Fagundes, Lien Vlerick, Anna Janeckova, Xiaoyu Xu, Alessandro Rintallo, Eugenia Zucchello, Maroš Somora, Lorenzo Grieco, Mathieu Verougstraete, Javier Ruiz Ilundain, Adriana Strojek, Mirka Šešulková, Jelle Deflo, Fréderic Louis, Krešimir Renić, Andrea Perletti, Dorota Piechocińska, Laura Mortier, Zuriñe Argomaniz Saldaña, Johannes Berry, Malgorzata Slowinska, Carmen Ojalvo Guiberteau, Eyukewe Nicolas Dogo, Jasmien Wouters, Laura Van Kerkhove, Justyna Pietrzykowska, Antonio Fernandez, Margarita Díaz Rebollo, Laura Bown, Karolien Andries, Silverio Soro Garibo, Elena Vilchez Álvarez, Axel Clissen, Jasmien Herssens, Mathias Cosijns, Leen Demaegdt
Wim Goes (°Ghent, 1969) obtained a Master’s Degree in Architecture at the Sint-Lucas School of Science and Arts in Ghent/Brussels, Belgium. He worked with architect H. Koch on self-built low-cost housing and cityplanning and also temporarily in workshops such as Atelier Maarten Van Severen.
At a very early stage he was confronted with contemporary art. Meeting and discussing with artists and art curators changed his vision on the position of people in and towards art and architecture, a position allowing the human presence to complete the art and architectural work. This attitude, being close to Reverse Perspective, is an ongoing investigation both in the office and in academic research since.
The practice Wim Goes Architectuur was founded in 1999. It has been awarded the Belgian Prize for Architecture, the Belgian Award, Architecture Award Province East Flanders, the Award of the Order of Architects (BE), the Architectural Review Award (UK), among others.
Their work has been published widely in architectural magazines such as A+U (JP), the Architectural Review (UK), Mark Magazine (NL), D’Architectures (FR), Casa da abitare (IT), C3 (KR) and Detail (D).
Since 2005 Wim Goes has been teaching at Sint-Lucas School of Architecture, Ghent (BE), from 2013 known as KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Sint-Lucas Ghent/Brussels (BE).
He participated in the Glenn Murcutt Masterclass (2005) and the New Zeeland Masterclass with Ian Athfield (2008). In 2017 he was invited as a visiting professor at the Victoria University Wellington (NZ).
He lectured and/or was a guest critic at the EPFL in Lausanne (CH), the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio (CH), NTMU in Trondheim (NO), RWTH in Aachen (DE), the Technical University in Graz (AT), the University of Auckland (NZ), the Harvard University Graduate School Of Design (US) amongst others.
The projects of Wim Goes Architectuur have been featured in the Belgian Pavilion of the 15th International Architecture Biennale in Venice (IT), the 2016 Triennale in Viserum (SE), the Royal Academy of Arts in London (UK), the former building of the Ministry of Education in Rio de Janeiro (BR) and in exhibitions at universities such as ETH Zurich (CH), the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio (CH) and at the Victoria University in Wellington (NZ), curating an exhibition On Reverse Perspective.